In a land ravaged by monstrous, shape-changing Yoma, humanity's only hope is a breed of half-human, half-Yoma female warriors popularly called Claymores, who use their massive namesake swords and Yoki energy-based empowerment to dispatch Yoma on orders from their unnamed Organization. Clare is one such warrior, albeit the weakest of the 47 given rank and regional assignments due to some atypical circumstances involved in introducing her Yoma aspect. Even so, she fights the good fight against the Yoma with cold, businesslike efficiency and an underlying purpose to seek out a particularly powerful monster responsible for a tragedy in her youth. Not until she hooks up with Raki, a boy orphaned by Yoma whose life she saves in much the same way that someone once saved her, does her human side start to open up and emerge again. As Clare struggles to defeat increasingly harder opponents (sometimes with the aid of fellow Claymores, other times with their opposition) and pursue her quest for vengeance, Raki becomes both a stabilizing force and her one hope that she might, as a certain person once requested, eventually learn to live her life as a human and not just a warrior.
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