Pockie Ninja Guide1

Note: This Guide are Compiled from many different great Reviewer, i am here just collecting it and placing it under one Page for people to find it easier and for me to easier finding it. I like to apologize if i offended anyone here. Sincerely Apologize and Thanks.

INDEX: (Control F to search Sections Directly)

Stones [ST01]
Coupons [CP02]
Golds [GD03]
Terminology [TM04]
Outfits [OTF05]
Outfits Synthesis [OTFSY06]
Pet Type & Skill [PT07]


First let me start off by saying that this data comes from leveling many different characters to 25.
The purpose of doing so was to find the most effective way to get through the lower levels while making efficient stones, saving gift coupons, and creating the best equipment available to you.

Earning Stones [ST01]

Stone's are rather elusive to come by before level 31, the options open for you to obtain them are limited. Many of the early quests will give experience and gift coupons to you instead of stones. Do not worry however, you should be able to make it to level 16 incredibly easily without having to spend any stones at all.

Once level 16, you can begin to do the slot machines at the crossroads. You should do the slot machine 10 times a day(for liveliness as well as the chance @ elite rewards) but not any more than that. Before level 31, the slot machines offer a very paltry amount of stones, and the rewards from fighting slot battles are reduced.

Continue questing to earn stones, while NEVER chain attacking. Chain attacking takes just as long, if not longer to complete than doing it manually and costs a considerable amount of stones.

Never synthesize unnecessarily. Be patient and wait to earn things like pet food from bounty quests and explorations. ALWAYS do bounty quests and explorations to the maximum for each day, both give you an opportunity to earn a decent amount of stones.

A Good strategy at level 16 is to find a partner for your 10 slot machine turns, while doing an exploration between each encounter. This way you can explore while staying in the same zone. It is important to not waste any explorations until you get to the crossroads. Your goal will be to get the crossroads Exploration Zone to a 5 Star Setting. Once at the 5 star setting, the rewards looted from the exploration are increased.

ALWAYS do valhalla every day. Doing a HARD camp run 3 times a day will assuredly get you at least ONE decent piece of equipment, as well as a minor stone and experience reward.

Las Noches is good for getting experience but costs 1000 stones to attempt. It is important to complete las noches 2 times per day, but I would recommend saving the attempts until you are 1/3 way to leveling up. At that point use a las noches run to hit the next level to obtain new quests.

Earning Gift Coupons [CP02]

You get gift coupons from 4 Sources.

1. Education Quests
2. Liveliness
3. Gift Coupon Reward Bags
4. Completing useful guides and informative collections of data on the forums.

Gift coupons are EXTREMELY important to you. For a player who does not intend to purchase any gold, spending gift coupons is a terrible mistake. You must NOT spend gift coupons if you can avoid it.

When you reach the upper 30's, it is essential to have extra coupons for enchanting and refining your equipment, therefore, while leveling up, refrain from chain attacking, buying item mall items, and skill resetting.

At level 25 you should have between 350-400 gift coupons saved up.

Gold Spending and Earning Tips [GD03]

Gold comes from purchasing Golden Beans from the Charge Panel.

1 Golden Bean is equivalent to 20 Gold in Pockie Ninja
Spending Gold effectively is VERY risky. My data on this is slightly limited, but I have had extremely good luck with my efforts so far.

I purchased 200 Gold to start. I used 90 of that gold purchasing the 18 Gold Each Mystery Jar's. (The 58 Gold Jar's are not near as cost-effective)
From Purchasing 5 jars, with the odds of each type of loot set, you should get anywhere between 1-4 outfits of varying grades. It is also possible you will get 0 or 5, but from my experience, 2-3 was the safe number.

I received 3 outfits on my first purchase of 5 Jars. I got 1 orange outfit, 1 blue, and 1 gray.

The key to the Mystery Jars is that they give you unbound items. Save these to sell on the Trade Market, for they will enable you to make a large amount of stones or earn some of your gold back. I am not sure about other servers, but on Flowerflow River, I have been using the following price scheme on unbound outfits.

Orange Outfits - 125,000 Stones or 50-75 Gold (based on suit popularity)
Blue Outfits -  40,000-60,000 Stones or 25-40 Gold (based on suit popularity)
Gray Outfits 15,000-25,000 Stones or 18 Gold (Gold for another Jar)

At this point, I had already synthesized the outfit of my choice for equipment, and therefore could not justify equipping an unbound outfit.


Continue to open Mystery Jars and resell the unbound resulting outfits to slowly but surely boost your max stones and gold.

Preface to Early Leveling Guide

It is important to complete your liveliness to the maximum every day to claim your bonus gift coupons.

For the Item Mall item, I suggest purchasing a Pet Skill Lock, because when you choose a pet eventually, more than likely you will need a lock to protect a skill during discovery.

Terminology [TM04]

Unbound - An item that has not been synthesized or equipped. You do not obtain these very often before level 25. Only unbound items can be sold at the trade market.

1s - a magical piece of equipment with ONE stat modifier on it. Regular 1s item color is BLUE
2s - a magical piece of equipment with TWO stat modifiers on it. Regular 2s item color is BLUE
3s - a rare piece of equipment with THREE stat modifiers on it. Regular 3s item color is ORANGE
4s - a VERY rare piece of equipment with FOUR star modifiers on it. Regular 4s item color is GOLD

+1(etc.) - An outfit or Pet can be synthesized with 2 more exactly like it to create a +1 of that outfit or pet. When continuing to increase the level to +2 and higher, use a +0 for the catalyst items, while using the main +1 as the source item. You do not need to combine a +1 with 2 +1's to make a +2.

***NOTE*** Set items are always a GREEN colored text, but can have anywhere from 1-4 stat modifiers on them. Be careful when dealing with set pieces!

Levels 31+

This is when you can replace fighting the highest level creature with level 31 slots.

Level 31 slots give you better chances at rewards as well as a bigger reward of stones than previous slots have offered. Complete all quests, liveliness, and arenas each day, and then do slot machines until you are out of movement.


Since everyone had been asking how to train faster or get to a high levels on the first day.. Here is 5 things that you need to know to save up vp (execution points) which only refill 100 (130 for vip) daily and gaining more exp ~

1. Daily exploration, try to use double exp and vp on them because monster you meet while exploration have good exp.. If you gain extra demon proof, wow! then your exp will be GREAT!

2. Do not waste your vp at the slot machine and the quest, suggest to use double experience on highest levels monster on the map which you be able to kill. According to my calculation, if you get 200 experience from each monster then times 2 (double) = 400 experience. 400 experiences X100 vp = 40k experience, this is a great amount of exp.. Besides that, you can complete quests and get the rewards even you have 0 vp, only that you can't get the exp from killing the monsters..

3. Quest in town refresh every 60mins and can complete 20 times a day.. If you complete all quest for killing monsters, there's another nice exp for the day~

4. Make sure to use the daily quest/routine navigator so you can know what you need to do next and your process of the day..

5. Earn medals in arena and change them to exp unless you really want to go for your suits/outfits..


Words/Abbreviations to know:

Initial Stat Values(ISV): The values that you see on mouse over of any outfit, consist of Strength, Agility, and Stamina.

Hidden Base Multiplier Value(BMV): The multiplier rate/growth of how the outfit deals with Strength, Agility, and Stamina. Can be found in Character Info pop-up, by hovering over the words: Strength, Agility, Stamina. Each one affects the Growth of your Secondary Stats.(Excludes: Guard Break, Pierce, Hit, Defence, Crit Strike, and Constit)

NOTE: BMV is a Gear Dependant Stat. Lower BMV's give higher returns. Example~ Gear stat is 100 Strength.. Ggio Vega's Strength BMV is 17 and Hatake Kakashi's is 14...  Vega's return's will be 5.88% Attack and 5.88 Block.. Kakashi's return's are 7.14% attack and 7.14 Block.

Growth Rate Percentage(GR%): Every outfit has a growth of 40% from the original ISV. Example: ISV of 12/24/21 at +0 would yield 4.8/9.6/8.4 with every outfit + gain. So, 12/24/21+0 = 17/34/29+1 = 22/43/38+2  and so on.

Passive Bonus Types and Percentage: Can be Fire, Earth, Lightning, Wind, Water, Vitality(body skills), Ninja Tools, Heal, Illusion, or Seals. Orange = 15% Passive;  Blue = 10% Passive;  Grey = 5% Passive

Potential Terminology:

Speed - Referring to the speedster build
Defense- Uses Stamina to advantage
Punisher- Uses Attack and Defense to use recoil-like damage
Attacker- Generally just High Attack
Hybrid - Fast and Strong or Fast and Defensive
Any - Any build could be used/ All stats are balanced

Copy from Cybermatt on Pockie Ninja Forum.


First: I find a lot of people doesn't understand the stats/synthesis values yet so here are some examples

All 1 stat items have a synth value of 22.

All 2 stat items have a synth value of 31.

All 3 stat items have a synth value of 39.

Step 1:

Fight in the arena for medal so u can open some jars.

Step 2:

Open jars in the shop until you have the following:

2 Grey outfits
2 Blue outfits
1 Blue outfit and 1 Grey outfit

Step 3:

Go to an item shop in any village or demon city and buy all of the items with 1 stat on it.

Once you have more than three items with 1 stat on it, use rapid synthesize and craft the 3 items together.
Doing this will give you 40% chance of getting a 2 stat item
You need to get two pieces of 2 stat equipment for each grey outfit.
If you run out of 1 stat items and you don't have enough 2 stat items yet, just refresh the item shop (costs less than 100 stone, goes up was you level) and buy more.

Once u have two pieces of 2 stat equipment, use rapid synthesize and put the grey outfit in the first slot, then put the two 2stat items in the second 2 slots and combine them. Doing this will give you a very high chance of getting a blue outfit (about 90%)
Repeat until you have 2 blue outfits and move on to step 4.

Step 4:

This time u need to craft some more, now you need three pieces of 2 stat items to craft into a 3 stat item (40% chance of success)
This is probably the hardest step, and it will cost the biggest chunk of your stone
Once you have a 3 stat item, just craft 2 blue outfits and 3 stat item together (outfit goes in the first box) and you have a 70% chance of success to get an orange outfit (from experience i've only failed once out of 7 tries so far)

Step 5:

Once you have your first orange outfit and it isn't the one you want, go back to the item shop and buy more 1 stat items
Put the orange outfit in the first slot and two 1 stat items in the other slots and synthesize them and you will have a 100% chance of getting another random orange outfit. Repeat until you get the one that you want.
There are no rare outfits, its all luck they all have equal chance of coming up so keep rolling until you get the one you want

Slots method:

Once you've reached level 16 and have gone to the crossroads you'll have probably seen the slot machine there.
If you join a party and beat the enemies in the slot machine they will drop 2 stat and 3 stat items.
The drops are not constant, you can have 2-3 battles where you don't get any rewards at all or get 3 items in one fight.
The slots are a very good way to get crafting materials when your low on stones

*important note* It costs 3 movement points for each slots fight, even if you are not the leader of the party. It is highly recommended to do slots in a party of at least 2 people unless you are very high level compared to the enemies inside (All enemies inside the crossroad slots are lvl 16, however they are very strong for level 16s (my lvl 26 can just barely kill all 3 without dying lol)

Short List:

1 stat item + 1 stat item + 1 stat item = 2 stat item (40% Chance)
2 stat item + 2 stat item + 2 stat item = 3 stat item (40% Chance)
Grey outfit + 2 stat item + 2 stat item = blue outfit (90% chance)
Blue outfit + Blue outfit + 3 stat item = Orange outfit (70% Chance)
Blue outfit + 3 stat item + 3 stat item = Orange outfit (80% Chance)
Orange outfit + 1 stat item + 1 stat item = Random new orange outfit (100% Chance)

Overall cost:

10,000 - 50,000 stones for each orange outfit you want, depending on luck (probably about 30,000 on average)
400-3000 medals for each orange outfit you want, depending on luck (about 1600 on average to get 2 outfits)


- All main outfit here are "+0".
- Some 90% chance is not yet perfect, i only call it "90%" because i only tried it once. 50% exist because some players tried it.
- For now: There are a total of 57 OUTFIT's. (18 Gray's, 18 Blue's, and 21 Orange's). I just tested it out below, and as you can see, even EACH of those "OUTFIT's" have a percentage.

Total Catalyst: Main + Catalyst(Synthesis value) + Catalyst(Synthesis Value) = Product(%) - tried

Gray Outfit: (Syn value: 27)

    * 2: Gray + 1 + 1 = Feather(100%) - tried 4x
    * 10: Gray + 5 + 5 = Feather(10%) - tried by: palumatzu
    * 10: Gray + 5 + 5 = Another Gray(90%) - tried 17x
    * 36: Gray + 22 + 14 = Another Gray(90%) - tried 1x
    * 44: Gray + 22 + 22 = Another Gray(75%) - tried 2x
    * 44: Gray + 22 + 22 = Blue(25%) - tried 1x
    * 53: Gray + 22 + 31 = Another Gray(50%) - tried 1x
    * 53: Gray + 22 + 31 = Blue(50%) - tried by: sutasafaia
    * 54: Gray + 27 + 27 = Another Gray(50%) - tried 1x
    * 54: Gray + 32 + 22 = Blue(50%) - tried by: xlorejhansenx
    * 54: Gray + 27 + 27 = Blue(50%) - tried by: Krino
    * 60: Gray + 30 + 30 = Gray(50%) - tried by: sombreneige@gmail.com
    * 60: Gray + 30 + 30 = Blue(50%) - tried 2x
    * 61: Gray + 22 + 39 = Another Gray(50%) -
    * 61: Gray + 22 + 39 = Another Gray(50%) - tried by: bingofuel
    * 62: Gray + 31 + 31 = Blue(90%) - tried 4x
    * 62: Gray + 32 + 30 = Blue(90%) - tried 1x
    * 62: Grey + 30 + 32 = Blue(90%) - tried by: cfroze
    * 63: Gray + 32 + 31 = Blue(90%) - tried 1x
    * 64: Gray + 32 + 32 = Another Gray(25%) - tried 1x
    * 64: Gray + 32 + 32 = Blue(75%) - tried 3x

Blue Outfit: (Syn value: 35)

    * 10: Blue + 5 + 5 = Gray(90%) - tried 2x
    * 16: Blue + 8 + 8 = Gray(90%) - tried 1x
    * 23: Blue + 22 + 1 = Another Blue(90%) - tried by: souheil4960
    * 24: Blue + 12 + 12 = Another Blue(90%) - tried 1x
    * 28: Blue + 14 + 14 = Another Blue(90%) - tried 12x
    * 34: Blue + 17 + 17 = Another Blue(90%) - tried 1x
    * 36: Blue + 22 + 14 = Another Blue(90%) - tried 1x
    * 42: Blue + 21 + 21 = Another Blue(90%) - tried 4x
    * 44: Blue + 22 + 22 = Another Blue(90%) - tried 11x
    * 60: Blue + 30 + 30 = Another Blue(90%) - tried by: akashqs123
    * 61: Blue + 30 + 31   Orange (15%) - tried by: pikirendewe
    * 62: Blue + 31 + 31 = Another Blue(80%) - tried 1x
    * 62: Blue + 31 + 31 = Orange (20%) - tried by: metalgames
    * 62: Blue + 35 + 27 = Orange (20%) - tried by: EyeSheild 21
    * 64: Blue + 32 + 32 = Another Blue(90%) - tried 10x
    * 64: Blue + 32 + 32 = Orange (10%) - tried by: maxi123456
    * 66: Blue + 35 + 31 = Another Blue(70%) - tried by: liwdref@yahoo.com
    * 66: Blue + 35 + 31 = Orange (30%) - tried by: bangea23
    * 70: Blue + 35 + 35 = Another Blue(75%) - tried 2x
    * 70: Blue + 35 + 35 = Orange (25%) - tried by: ichiramiko@gmail.com
    * 70: Blue + 43 + 27 = Another Blue(90%) - tried 1x
    * 71: Blue + 39 + 32 = Another Blue(60%) - tried by: abner_frozen@yahoo.com
    * 71: Blue + 40 + 31 = Orange(40%) - tried by: ione_
    * 72: Blue + 32 + 40 = Another Blue(90%) - tried by: kalins
    * 74: Blue + 39 + 35 = Another Blue(75%) - tried 2x
    * 74: Blue + 35 + 39 = Orange(25%) - tried by: vgamefreak96@yahoo.com
    * 75: Blue + 40 + 35 = Another Blue(50%) - tried by: ione_
    * 75: Blue + 43 + 32 = Orange(50%) - tried by: Dcansol
    * 78: Blue + 39 + 39 = Another Blue(25%) - tried by: son33rus
    * 78: Blue + 39 + 39 = Orange(75%) - tried 4x
    * 78: Blue + 43 + 35 = Orange(75%) - tried 1x
    * 80: Blue + 40 + 40 = Another Blue(10%) - tried by: earthbender5764
    * 80: Blue + 40 + 40 = Orange(90%) - tried by: earthbender5764
    * 81: Blue + 46 + 35 = Orange(90%) - tried by: liwdref@yahoo.com
    * 82: Blue + 39 + 43 = Orange(90%) - tried by: Ulquiorra4th
    * 85: Blue + 46 + 39 = Orange(90%) - tried 1x

Orange Outfit: (Syn value: 42)

    * 10: Orange + 1 + 1 = Blue(100%) - tried 1x
    * 10: Orange + 5 + 5 = Blue(100%) - tried 1x
    * 28: Orange + 14 + 14 = Blue(100%) - tried 1x
    * 44: Orange + 22 + 22 = Blue(10%) - tried by: winter12
    * 44: Orange + 22 + 22 = Another Orange(90%) - tried 45x
    * 49: Orange + 27 + 22 = Another Orange(90%) - tried 1x
    * 60: Orange + 30 + 30 = Another Orange(90%) - tried by: ione_
    * 64: Orange + 32 + 32 = Another Orange(90%) - tried 3x


Outfit Synthesis Evolution:

"Main Item Synthesis Value = Product Synthesis Value"
27 > Feather, Gray, Blue
35 > Gray, Blue, Orange
42 > Blue, Orange


Compressed Guide:

"Main Outfit" + "Total Catalyst" = Product

Gray + 2~10 = Feather
Gray + 10~64 = Gray
Gray + 44~100 = Blue
Blue + 2~16 = Gray
Blue + 17~22 = ???
Blue + 23~80 = Blue
Blue + 62~100 = Orange
Orange + 2~44 = Blue
Orange + 44~100 = Orange


NOTE: STILL WORK IN PROGRESS. Sorry if im missing skills, if you find a skill that i am missing, please post the name and effect, would appreciate it

- Pets can only learn skills by feeding them in the pet kennel (You can also buy certain skills with gold and gift coupons)

- All pets can learn each skill from there own category.  
   EX: Riceball pet cant learn Perception cause its a Channeling pet skill.
- Learning a skill is random, you might not get the skill you want.
- Each pet will start off with random skill slots that will be open for you to learn skills.
- To get more skill slots you must + a pet to require more slots. Every 3rd + will allow you to open a closed slot for 40k stones.
- Each pet has there own special abilitys they can learn (Except for Channeling pets)

Pet Category's:

Artificial: Riceball, Sushi, Bun Fledgling

Plants: Corn, Sunflower, Sweet Potato, Treant, Maneater Fledgling

Beasts: Vulture, Wasp, Bloodbat Fledgling

Channeling: Akamaru, Souling(Kon), Lily Young, Toadling

Dragon: Frostbore


Elementary Rebirth Aura - Category: Artificial
To activate parasitic skill, you must learn aura skill first.
Level 1 Rebirth Aura, only high level aura is effective when
multiple auras exist.

Sacrifice - Category: Artificial / Type: Parasitic
*Become effective after learning rebirth aura*
When remaining HP is less then 20%, turn aura into a certain amount of HP,
basic aura 15%, advanced aura 20%.

Nihility - Category: Artificial / Type: Parasitic
*Become effective after learning rebirth aura*
Reduce the time of being influenced by negative effects, basic aura 9%, advanced aura 12%.

Puppeteer - Category: Artificial / Type: Parasitic
*Become effective after learning rebirth aura*
Enhance ninja tools while reduce Healing effectivness by 5 times,
basic aura 3%, advanced aura 4%.

Elementary Bramble Aura - Category: Plant
To activate parasitic skill, you must learn aura skill first.
Level 1 Bramble Aura, only high level aura is effective when multiple auras exist.

Chill Ripple - Category: Plant / Type: Parasitic
*Become effective after learning bramble aura*
Enhance water release skill while reduce the resistance to fire release skills,
basic aura 3%, advance aura 4%.

Spine Protection - Category: Plant / Type: Parasitic
*Become effective after learning bramble aura*
Reflect damage from close range, basic aura 3%, advance aura 4%.

Photosynthesis - Category: Plant / Type: Parasitic
*Become effective after learning bramble aura*
20% chance to restore HP upto 3 times, basic aura 3%, advance aura 4%.

Elementary Intelligence Aura - Category: Channeling
To activate parasitic skill, you must learn aura skill first.
Level 1 Intelligence Aura, only high level aura is effective when
multiple auras exist.

Perception - Category: Channeling / Type: Parasitic
*Become effective after learning intelligence aura*
Increase the rate of pet activating support skills,
basic aura 12%, advance aura 16%.

Mysterious Technique - Category: Channeling / Type: Parasitic
*Become effective after learning intelligence aura*
Have a chance to cast without consuming chakra or dodge HP damage,
basic aura 9%, advance aura 12%.

Moment Recovery Before Death - Category: Channeling / Type: Parasitic
*Become effective after learning intelligence aura*
Turns damage into healing while reducing attack power upto 2 times, basic aura 3%, advance aura 4%.

Elementary Slaughter Aura - Category: Beast
To activate parasitic skill, you must learn aura skill first.
Level 1 plant Aura, only high level aura is effective when multiple auras exist.

Melee - Category: Beast / Type: Parasitic
*Become effective after learning slaughter aura*
Body technique is enhanced by a percentage while resistance to illusion
decrease by the same percentage, basic aura 3%, advance aura 4%.

Blood Curse - Category: Beast / Type: Parasitic
*Become effective after learning slaughter aura*
Close attack can absorb HP according to damage, basic aura 3%, advance aura 4%.

Excited - Category: Beast / Type: Parasitic
*Become effective after learning slaughter aura*
Attack will increase in face-to-face encounter, basic aura 6%, advance aura 8%.

Elementary Holy Aura - Category: Dragon
To activate parasitic skill, you must learn aura skill first.
Level 1 Holy Aura, only high level aura is effective when multiple auras exist.

Inviolable - Category: Dragon / Type: Parasitic
*Become effective after learning holy aura*
Increase the rate of counter attack, basic aura 6%, advance aura 8%.

Dragon Blood - Category: Dragon / Type: Parasitic
*Become effective after learning holy aura*
Reduce damage, basic aura 3%, advance aura 4%.

Divine Mark - Category: Dragon / Type: Parasitic
*Become effective after learning holy aura*
Enhance sealing skill, chakra consumption and hp damage will increase by 5 times,
basic aura 3%, advance aura 4%.

Antibody - Category: All
*Become effective after learning any aura*
Reduce duration of disease damage.

Sober - Category: All
*Become effective after learning any aura*
Reduce duration of spirit damage.

Bless - Category: All
*Become effective after learning any aura*
Increase duration of blessing.

Remove Seal - Category: All
*Become effective after learning any aura*
Reduce duration of sealing damage.


Block - Category: All
When owner is under attack, pet has a 10% chance to block the damage.

Attack - Category: All
When owner is attacking, pet has 21% chance to attack at the same time,
dealing 50% of the damage the owner has dealt.

Combo - Category: All  *Corn Pet Only*
When owner is attacking, pet has 17% chance to attack the enemie twice.

Life Leech Skill - Category: All  *Bat Pet Only*
After owners attack, 19% chance to attack and absorb half of that damage as HP.

Rooted - Category: All  *Treant Pet Only*
After owners attack, pet has a 16% chance to root the opponent for 1 round.

Peck - Category: All  *Vulture Pet Only*
After owners attack, 21% chance to inflict bleed on the opponent.

Bite - Category: All  *Wasp Pet Only*
After owners attack, 21% chance to attack and poison the opponent.

Solar Strike - Category: All  *Sunflower Pet Only*
Activated on combat, reduces opponents hit by 8 points.

Suppression - Category: All  *Sweet Potato Pet Only*
After owners attack, pet has a 16% chance to daze the opponent for 1 round.

HP Restore - Category: All  *Riceball Pet Only*
When owner is under attack, theres 11% chance to restore HP,
which equals to 10% of owners max HP.

Icy Breath - Category: All  *Dragon Pet Only*
*Become effective after learning attack skill*

Continue to Pockie Ninja Guide2.....


  1. thanx a lot this really helps me out

  2. i like, maybe a short index at the start for better navigation :)

  3. Edit April22, 2011 8:58PM:
    I like. =)

  4. hey..couldnt see illusionary in skill list...the one that has photos of it

  5. ^_^ eVerytHing B4ck to NormaL already NoW..

    Have Fun

  6. Are you sure you made this? Because this was posted in the Pockie Ninja Forums before you made this here. And yes they are both exactly alike.

    So who is the original you or the one over the official forums?

  7. Dear Anonymous.. I am not sure who made it originally. Though i indeed, take a copy of this chart from a forum.

    It is not for a purpose of Stealing or anything.
    I just want to make it convenient for me to read variety Pockie Guide on one page. Then i decide to share it on the Blog.

    That is why i apologize if anyone offended on a top page. It just happen to be without the forum poster name. Some of the Data in this guide has the name of the poster.

    Thanks for the understanding.

  8. hey im cybermatt thanks for this,you find my post, hey what is your in game name

  9. why do you delete the builds

  10. I did not delete the builds,
    I move it to Pockie Ninja Guide 2.
    I find it too long as a page.

    And yes, one more time sorry for the Copy Paste.
    Wasn't meant for stealing info, only collecting them for easier access. Thanks Cybermatt.

    As for other, which i have not put the name up there. If you find your data here, let me know. I try to find them, but most of them found by coincidence and i lost track of the original page.

    Thanks Everyone..

  11. By the way, my In-Game name are SouTadayoshi in server 5. See you all in-game.

  12. actually i also finding tips in pockie ninja


  14. That is "LITTLE MENG", Which will be implemented in the future in this International Server.
